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      在奥特曼被罢免的两周前,OpenAI联合创始人、首席科学家兼董事会成员伊利亚·萨斯克维尔(Ilya Sutskever)接受采访时承认,OpenAI的初心一直不变,但由于意识到AI对算力的无限需求,OpenAI从非盈利组织变成了「Capprofit」组织。据称,萨克斯维尔和奥特曼在大模型

      两周前被罢免,OpenAI联合创始人、首席科学家兼董事会成员伊利亚·萨斯克维尔(Ilya Sutskever)接受采访时承认,OpenAI的初心一直不变,但由于意识到AI对算力的无限需求,OpenAI从非盈利组织变成了「Capprofit」组织。据称,萨克斯维尔和奥特曼在大模型

      did you guys have any um like particular goal from us size perspective definitely as logas you can go just keep in mind that mean we had a certain amount of compute which we could usefully consume and then what can you do maybe if we think about just like the origin of open ai and uh the goals of the organization like what was the original goal in how that evolved her time the goal did not all the time the tactic involved over time so the goal of open ai from the very beginning has been to make sure that artificial general intelligence by which remain autonomous systems ai that can actually do most of the jobs and activities and tasks that people do benefits all of humanity that was the goal from the beginning the initial thinking has been that maybe the best way to do it is by just open sources a lot of technology we later and we also attempted to do it as an unprofit seems very sensible this is the goal nonprofit is the way to do it was changed some point that open ai we realized that we were perhaps among among the earlier the earliest to realize that to make progress in ai for real you need a lot of compute now what does a lot mean the appetite for computer truly endless is is now is now learly seen but we realize that we will need a lot and unprofit was wouldn't wouldn't be the way to go to to get there be able to build a large cluster with the nonprofit that's where he became we converted into this unusual structure called cap profit and to my knowledge we are the only cap profit company in the world but the idea is that investors put in some money but even if the company does incredibly well they don't get more than some multiplier on top of the original original investment and the reason to do this the reason why that makes sense you know there are arguments someone to make arguments against it as well but the argument for it is that if you believe that the technology that we are building a gi could potentially be so capable as to do every single task that people do does it mean that it might unemploy everyone well i don't know but it's not impossible and if that's the case it makes sense it will make a lot of sense the company build such a technology would not be able to make uh infinite would not be incentivized brother to make infinite profits i don't know if it will literally play out this way because of competition in ai so there will be mammultiple companies and i think that will have some unforeseen implications on the argument which are making but that was the thinking
